Sunday, June 23, 2024

What The Heck Is Happening? No Tropical Disturbances Worldwide !!!

We all were told by the "experts" that this would be a bad, hyper-active, historical hurricane season from hell.  Now we're only 3 1/2 weeks into the 2024 season and historically, we're right where we should be with one named storm so far.  The average date for the second named storm is the first week in July, but models show nothing happening except maybe another Central American Gyre (CAG) type spin-up down over the Western Caribbean or southern Gulf.  It's a long season and it still could explode into hyperactivity.  However, I'm wondering why no one is talking about the absence of tropical storms/hurricanes WORLDWIDE.  We begin in the Atlantic. and then head westward.

Humm, I remember the AGW alarmists first said a warming world would mean more numerous & intense storms.  When the data showed that storms were not becoming more numerous, they focused on more intense.  But to have nothing, nada going on worldwide?  Yet no one is saying a word.  We still have a lot of T-Storms from the Yucatan into the Caribbean, but nothing appears to be organizing.

The Heat Dome that has been over the Eastern states is shifting back westward and that should allow us to pop the typical daytime heating storms.  We're seeing that today.

We need to have 30-40% daily coverage just to keep us from getting too hot like last summer.

Don't get too excited about seeing a cold front, but it could sneak close enough to increase our rain chances later this week.

We all know we'll be hot until October.  It's the degree of hot that matters.  90-95 no problem, 95-100 some problems/discomfort, 100+ with our near 80 dew points?  Disgusting!  Let's hope the Tropics remain quiet and that front gets closer.  Stay tuned!

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