Monday, August 5, 2024

Debby Done With Gulf, Deadly Heavy Rains Could Move Up To New England

 Tropical Storm Debby moved inland this morning and is now crossing out of Florida into southern Georgia.  Looking at satellite views this afternoon show Debby looking better organized than when she was a Hurricane.  However, once over land, friction takes over and her winds keep coming down.  She is now a heavy rain threat.

Debby will slowly drift back towards water off the Georgia coast south of Savannah Tuesday allowing time for her to  re-strengthen.  All model have her stalling before heading back to the west with landfall along the Carolina coasts.  Rainfall amounts could total an additional 15-20" with Savannah already approaching 5 ".

The remains of Debby will be making headlines the rest of this week into the weekend clobbering all the major cities from D.C. to Boston.  But for us we return to the Tropics.

There is a strong wave coming off of Africa that is dealing with a lot of Saharan dust to its north.  Some models hint it could develop in the 10-14 day time frame. However, they turn it northward before affect the U.S.   Closer to home, NHC is highlighting another area for possible development.

This wave is at a lower latitude than Debby and the two main models are not in agreement for development.  We begin with the GFS, that did very well with Debby.

The GFS is forming a named storm south of us by midday next Monday taking it to the Texas coast by noon Tuesday. The reason NHC is only going with a slight chance for development is because the Euro model sees nothing during the same time period.

Wow, what a difference.  I would not bet the house on either one just yet since nothing is there yet. For our weather, the next couple of days should flirt with near record heat set just last August. With Debby stalling to our east, we remain on the mostly dry side.  No rain equals hotter temps.

You can see lower dew points (drier air) to our west & north, but until Debby lifts to the NE, we only in slightly lower DPs.

IF you look at last August, we are not so hot.  However, I don't think anyone could tell the difference?

Finally, during these hot, stuffy Dog Days of August, I thought this painting from Brenda might brighten your day?

She calls it "Elegance!".  I call it delightfully sensual with colors that blend into one's furniture. (I almost see a lightning bolt!)  If interested in Brenda's work, contact her at  She has a website coming next month.  Stay tuned!

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