Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Good Bye Ethan, Tropics Quiet, Another Heavy Rain Threat?

 Many of you have grandkids that you treasure since, when they get cranky, you can always give them back to their parents!  Your children live close enough that you can see them when you want to.  Some of us are not as fortunate with our children living many states away.  I have only one Grandchild (Ethan) who I get to see 2 or 3 times a year since he lives in Oklahoma. It's been a joy watching him grow up & this past weekend was very special.  Despite ALL channel's forecasting a heavy rain threat, the weather was perfect.  We visited the Zoo, Aquarium & the pool at Chateau C.C. Of course we had to do several stops for beignets!  The time frame below is 6 months, 2 years, and now 5 1/2.

Watching him grow from an infant to a young man has BeBe & Pops feeling very blessed.  Maybe someday a meteorologist?!!!  Here we go again, the computers are predicting another heavy rain event like last weekend. (which didn't happen)

IF I were still working, instead of just getting on and crying wolf again, I'd point out how bad the models were this past weekend.  Why should I believe this new threat?  Let's investigate what might cause the heavy rains. Remember the surface low along the Texas coast last week?  It's still there, but there is an upper low over west Texas moving to the east.

We currently are between a weak boundary to our north and the boundary off the Texas coast.

Once our temps reached the mid 90s, heavy storms fired off north of Lake P.  We should see greater coverage tomorrow & especially on Thursday & Friday.  But IF models are correct, there is an upper trough over the Rockies that will dive into the Southeast by the weekend bringing us our first front of the Fall season.

There are no signs of that weekend front on the surface map and it will take 4 days for us to feel any relief from our current heat & humidity.

Could we see any 50s on the North Shore this weekend?  Perhaps, but the upper trough will have to deepen for that to happen.  Finally...

Frankly, I'm stunned that nothing is going on.  Sure NHC is following 3 areas, but nothing is developing.  Dr. Knabb on TWC said you have to go back to 1995 to find a year when the time frame  from August 20th (Ernesto's final advisory) to Sept. 2nd had no tropical activity.   That's almost 30 years Gang!  And this was supposed to be the "hyper-active" hurricane season.  It still could get active, but I want to know why it's so quiet?  Stay tuned!

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