Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Lady Is Singing Friday, North Winds Blowing Wed, Thurs, Friday

 Despite being burned several years back by major Hurricane Zeta in late October, I'm going ahead and have scheduled The Lady to sing our favorite song (Turn out the lights, this Hurricane Season is over) this Friday.  Why would I do that only halfway through October?  There are several reasons. Let's go over the current tropical activity. We have two areas NHC is watching.

Models hint that the weak disturbance way out in the Atlantic might develop as it approaches P.R. & the D.R..  More likely it'll never become a strong storm certainly not getting into the Gulf.  The other potential system is in the extreme southern Caribbean.

I've drawn the upper winds over the Gulf that will not allow this system to come our way.  In addition, water temps in the Gulf are no longer in the mid to upper 80s with some 70s showing up along the coastal locations. Models have nothing getting into the Gulf during the next 10-14 days time period.  By then, water temps will be even colder and more cold fronts will be coming.  So let's give it a shot and have The Lady do her thing.  In the short term, we have our first real cold front coming by Wednesday morning.  A deep upper trough has developed over the Great Lakes and eastern states.

Look at the cold air coming down out of Canada!  40s have plunged as far south a Louisville and, coupled with the strong winds, folks have pulled out the heavy coats.  We'll need sweaters and jackets here. What's missing with this front is any rain.  Today is day 11 since our last good soaker on Oct. 4th.

In addition to the chill, there is a sharp drop off in dew points just to our north.  Those 70s (muggy) will be replaced by 30s & 40s dew points (very dry air).  Oh what a feeling, IF you're dressed for it. The north winds are not strong yet.  Wait until after dark and into tomorrow morning.  A gale warning is up for the Gulf.

So if the 7 day proves to be reality, no rain is expected making our dry spell approach 3 weeks.  Aside from that, our weather will be typical great October weather into next week.  Stay tuned!

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