Thursday, December 26, 2024

Santa Is Gone, Fires Are Out, Storms To our West Should Fizzle, Fog Becomes Issue

Meant to show the great pictures I took from Ch. 8's coverage of the bonfires this year.  In some  past years, strong winds created issues, but not this year.  It's amazing to see the creativity of the builders of the fires.  I almost hate to see them burn.  But we all know Santa uses them to light the way for the children's presents he brings each year.

Well, it's back to watching those upper disturbances and surface boundaries that's bringing severe weather to east Texas & western LA. The warm front has jumped to our north putting us in the warm air sector with a weak surface cold front/boundary (yellow dash) over east Texas.  Dense sea fog is likely to form here despite brisk SE winds.

SPC has issued Tornado (Red) & Severe (Blue) T-Storms watches.  This system should weaken over night as it approaches us.  Another upper system out west will bring us a greater severe risk on Saturday.

These upper disturbances are not diving down into the Gulf and the result is not much cooler air is behind the surface boundary.  Note San Antonio is 75-80 behind the front/boundary.  SPC has already posted the greater Severe Threat here on Saturday. The top graphic is the threat for Friday (Level 1)

The Saturday threat keeps the South Shore in level one, but the North Shore is level 2 with the highest threat (Level 3) just into south Mississippi.  We're going to have to wait until New Year's Day to get a stronger cold front to sweep all the warmth and moisture away.

Until then, temperatures will remain 10-15 degrees above normal/average.  Look what all this warmth is doing to my flowers. The in ground bougainvillea are still blooming while my potted ones out back are not.  

But look at my Camellia bushes.  They had honey bees swarming all over their flowers today as highs topped 70+.

Not only am I enjoying gardening, but I want to read more about plants.  Just started a book about Camellias in Louisiana.  Brenda gave it to me as a pre-Christmas gift. Awesome!  Stay tuned!

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