Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cold Front Coming...Great Weekend!

Yea, we do have a new Tropical Depression in the Gulf and it's likely to become Trop. Storm Lorenzo during the next 1-2 days...but all signs point to it going southward away from us. Even if it started to come our way, the westerlies are coming and would turn it to the east well to our south. Those westerlies are bringing a cool front for the weekend. It's not sweater and jacket weather type coolness, but it'll bringing much drier air making night time lows cooler, especially on the Northshore.

There are several other tropical disturbances out there tonight, but none appear likely to threaten the United States at this time. The closer we get to October, the better I feel that we will not see a major hurricane this season. If we see an October storm, it's likely to be no worse than a Cat. 1 and would not require evacuations except for FEMA trailers & areas outside the levee protection. After Katrina & Rita, we deserve several quiet seasons.


Hurricane Hater! said...

As we are leaving the peak of hurricane season, all I can say is thank you! If it were not for you this season, I may have cracked. I have a severe phobia of the weather, but knowing that I could watch your forecast and read your blog, gave me much comfort. You don't just state the facts, but you give your opinion, and sometimes that is all I needed to put my mind at ease. This last "scare" with the "Possible Development in the Gulf," really made me realize how much the media really does hype up things. For the rest of this season and in future seasons, I will continue to watch you and read your blogs and try not to do any needless worrying. I know you caught a lot of slack and criticism before you changed your comment section, but if it gives you any comfort, know that you did help at least one person this hurricane season (and I'm sure thousands more). P.S. I saw your phone call conversation with "Sean Payton" tonight on the news. I think you would be a good Saints player! But don't give up your day job.

Duke said...

As you've said many times,"trust the little guy".
I know I do.
Thanks for being there and being honest.