Monday, November 12, 2007

3 Weeks Without Rain...

Often times the weather gets in a pattern that is hard to break. Consider parts of the Southeast from Nashville to Charlotte to Atlanta to Birmingham where yearly rainfall deficits are 20-25"+. It's been so dry in Northern Georgia that at last weekend's University of Georgia game, there were " Potty spotters", folks assigned to restrict toilet flushing ! No foolin' ! We're not nearly that bad but today marks 21 days without rain bringing our deficit to 7.82". We will see some rain this week but I'm expecting the heavier showers will stay to our north & east. I don't see any REAL cold air until next week as Thursday's cold front will just get us back to where we should be for mid November.

Perhaps you have seen the latest scare tactic from the Environmental Defense Action Fund? They show a big train (Global Warming) approaching a fella who jumps out of the way to show a helpless little girl. They ask you contact your Congressman/Senator and tell them to vote for bills that will put caps (restrictions) on CO2 gas emissions . It sounds good...I mean who isn't against cutting pollution? And don't we all want our children to have a good planet on which to live? However, they imply that cutting CO2 will stop global warming. There is NO proof of that. It's a theory based on CO2 being the main driver for our current warming cycle. Let me remind you to keep checking It gives the other side as to what is causing the current warming. I'll keep updating this "political issue" as new info becomes available. I have been asked to be on a global warming panel at Loyola University for early next year. Should be exciting!

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