Sunday, December 16, 2007

Light Freeze Northshore...

While speaking with my Mom in Indiana tonight, I wondered how I ever survived those Northern winters? Here we are expecting a light to moderate freeze mainly across Lake P., while Mom told me they received a new blanket of the white stuff last night of 10+ inches! I know, I know, your body acclimates to your surroundings over time, but I can't imagine ever going back to live up north full time.

Did you miss the Times-Picayune's latest scare article on the effects of global warming? They run one almost daily. That would be OK if they balanced their reporting with stories that give other points of view. But they do not, nor do most of the "popular" media outlets. I continue to try to educate myself on ALL sides of this debate. I just finished reading COOL IT by Bjorn Lomberg. Your should go read it too. My next book is HUMAN IMPACTS ON WEATHER AND CLIMATE by Cotton and Pielke. I'll give you my review of that book next week.

Glad to see most of you feel the way I do regarding the early season Hurricane Predictions.


hventura said...

I agree with you Bob. The media shows one side of the story. I will get Cool it. IT will be a great read for the holidays. Merry Xmas.

weatherman said...

Compared to many cold spells to the past, this one is merely average.