Thursday, February 20, 2020

Parade Life Is Not Fair...

If you have lived here for many decades, you know it seems that some parades have better luck than others when it comes to the weather.  Yesterday we had hoped all the rain would be gone by late afternoon, but alas showers will linger across the South shore for many hours. Tonight's parades were NOT cancelled due to rain, but rather the dangers from high (30-40+ mph) winds.

There is reason for hope for the next several days as looking to the west on satellite & radar views reveal a break is coming from the clouds and rain.  It will be rather chilly though so you'll need the heavy weather gear if you're parade watching.  Friday's high will struggle to 50-55 with evening temps in the 40s.  Saturday starts very chilly (30s) but will quickly warm to near 60.  Evening parades will be in the 50s.  Sunday gets even warmer (65-70) as clouds begin to return.  A front approaches on Monday with some showers but models have now flipped for Fat Tuesday saying the front will clear us out leaving us dry.   Don't be surprised if later model runs flip flop several more times.

Since rain won't be a threat for several days, temperatures will be the key focus.  The North Shore could see freezing temps on Saturday morning with some frost south of Lake P.   Long range models bring even colder air down for the last few days in February.    Gardeners beware as we are not done with Winter just yet.  Stay tuned!

Finally, we took my grandson Ethan down to the aquarium (since it was raining) today and he enjoyed all the fish and a birdie character BeBe bought him.  

1 comment:

Linda said...

Your grandson is adorable. Thanks for sharing. Happy like his grandpa.