Sunday, May 17, 2020

Good to be Lucky...

My golfing partner Ron Swoboda once said,,,"if you can't be good, it's good to be lucky."    Yesterday it looked like we'd see several rounds of storms for today, but noooo, nothing but bright sunshine resulting in near 90 degree heat.  There are some heavy storms around the mouth of the River, but the rest of us are baking.

We could see some showers sneak through late today and over night, but most of this week will be dry as a cutoff low develops over the southeast.  That low is now over Iowa, but the computer model below shows that low moving into Tennessee by Wednesday.  Hopefully some drier air will flow over us making for slightly cooler nights?   

As most of you know, Arthur was named last night on the 10 pm advisory.

The center of circulation clearly stands out on satellite pictures as there are no T-Storms around it. The forecast path from NHC keeps the center line track off the North Carolina coast keeping the worse part of the storm out over water.   Perhaps that will be the case for most of the storms this upcoming season?   Let them curve out to sea.  Enjoy a beautiful Sunday,  Stay tuned!

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