Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Stupid is What Stupid Does...Forrest Gump

Today I played golf for the first time in 8+ weeks.  My cardiologist suggested I stay away from people and I have, mainly to support my wife plus those on the front lines dealing with this terrible virus.  During hurricane season, I often tell you what we know ( location, intensity, forward speed) and what we don't know (future path, uncertainty of models etc).  What I know about this virus is that it is a bad bug (deadly to some) and highly contagious. Like hurricanes, there are some things we can do ( evacuate, prepare to shelter in place) and some things (traffic, car break downs) we can't control.  Same with Covid-19.  If we choose to leave our house, we MUST take some precautions.

When I check in at golf today, I wore my mask.  If you see me at the supermarket or anywhere in an enclosed setting, I'll have my mask and/or my shield.   I'm finding the masks are getting too hot as we warm up and my wide got me these shields on line and they are great.   Bottom line, my wearing masks and or shields protects YOU from me.  If you don't wear them, you are showing no respect for ME.   I don't wear them when out in open settings (golf, fast walking) unless those open settings brings me near other people.  Yesterday I was at Perino's Nursery which was packed.  My wife and I wore our masks, but others did not.   Today I went to get my Lottery tickets and the 4 people INSIDE the gas station had no masks.  As Newell Norman once said..." Wake up people!"   Why are the Covid-19 cases still not going to zero?  Because America has some folks who believe it's their right to be stupid.   I think Forrest said it best, don't you?  We can only hope the virus responds to the coming Summer heat.  But let's do our part too.  Stay tuned!


Alphonse P. said...

It amazes me that people still don't get it. If you are in public, wear a mask or risk a terrible illness. No one is taking away your civil rights. It's just this simple...Protect yourself and protect others

Kim Z said...

As my friend, Carla,said:"Covidiots!"!

Anonymous said...

The Covidiots are developing heard immunity for the rest of us that wear masks, social distance, and/or isolate. If they don't somehow manage to get us sick, maybe we ought to thank them. ��

Amanda, herself said...

Um... the bottom of your “shield” is wide open at the bottom. Do you seriously think that it’s blocking transmission of... ANYTHING AT ALL?? lol

Maybe think about what you’re doing for 2 seconds before calling other people stupid. Good lord