Thursday, May 28, 2020

Upper Low leaves, Drier & Hotter Weekend Ahead

We were very fortunate to be between several T-Storm clusters that developed around the circulation of a cut off low now centered over Arkansas.  Big boomers fired off over the Gulf to our SE while others continue to our west along the Louisiana Coast.

 Now that the sun is setting, the activity to our west should diminish, but a few could linger reaching us after 9 PM.  As the main circulation near Little Rock lifts away on Friday, some drier air should filter in behind it at the surface for this weekend.  The weather map really is a complex of weak boundaries as you see fronts and hashed black lines all over the place.

Temperatures are almost hot where it's not raining and cooler under the clouds and showers.  Of note, the dew points in Chicago, D.C. & Boston are about the same as New Orleans.  Look for a downward trend as we head into this weekend.

Models continue to hint of some kind of tropical system in the Gulf for the second week in June.  Satellite pics show a cluster of storms just along the Western Caribbean south of Belize.  It's something to watch as we head into June.   Finally, the summer heat is on out west where the upper ridge has built in.  That ridge is heading our way so get ready for some real heat this weekend.  Stay tuned!

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