Sunday, May 10, 2020

Why We Live in the South...

It's a beautiful Mother's Day for most of the southern parts of the U.S., while the folks up north are still in the heavy coats and sweaters.   Burr for May 10th!

Check out the 40s and 50s from the northern Rockies to the Great Lakes with a thick cloud cover & cold showers falling around another upper low near Chicago.   Another cold front will re-enforce our current great feeling air and Monday and Tuesday here should be awesome!

There are few clouds with this next front as our air is already drier.  South winds do return late on Tuesday and that'll start a return flow off the Gulf.  You'll notice a more Summer-like feel by late Wednesday through the rest of this week.  But before then, enjoy the low humidity and the comfy cool nights.
The cold front has pushed deep into the southern Gulf, but strong WSW upper winds will not allow anything to develop.   Give Mother Nature another 3-4 weeks and old fronts dropping down off Florida will be something to watch.  Stay tuned!

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