Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Josephine Later Today?

NHC on their latest outlook has increased the chances for development for the disturbance out in the middle Atlantic from 60 to 90%...translation, it's gonna happen.  The daylight satellite views show a bright cluster of storms on the northern side of a weak rotation that is trying to form.  Right now the center appears "exposed", meaning there are no storms around it.  If that changes during the day I expect NHC to begin issuing advisories either as a TD or Tropical Storm.

There is another wave moving off of Africa, but I don't see any strong waves coming behind it.   If 95L does develop, models are keeping it north of the Islands and turning it before it threatens the U.S.

Out in the Eastern Pacific, we have their first Hurricane (Elida).  It is not expected to impact land.

Finally, you know how I love to feature satellite and radar pics.  Check this out.  A cluster of storms fired off south of Mobile Bay before dawn.  As the sun came up, look at the shadow those storms cast to the west.   Stunning!  Next update later this afternoon.  Stay tuned!

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