Friday, July 9, 2021

The Rain Is A Pain And Hard To Explain...

When I came to New Orleans back in 1978, my news director (the late Alec Gifford) told me the rain comes like clockwork during the summer.  It begins along the coast at daybreak and redevelops inland during daytime heating.  You can take it to the bank, come 1 or 2 PM, storms will erupte bringing some heavy downpours and cooling relief.  But nooo rainbreath. that's not what's happening this year.  It seem for months we have been in a pattern that has produced above "normal" showers and storms and has us on a pace to threaten the all time wettest year (102" in 1991).

On the hour, one big boomer was just to the west of Kenner moving to the north.  The storms that moved thru before noon are now in Mississippi moving away, but the question is...when will this daily "above normal" pattern end?  that's hard to explain, but I'll try.

before Elsa got into the Gulf, a weak cold front stalled right over us.   that created a moisture boundary that was enhanced by a surface low over south Texas.  That low has pulled farther to the west and the hope is the Atlantic Ridge/Bermuda High will build back westward over the weekend.  That should decrease (not eliminate) our rain chances for Saturday & Sunday.

You can see how all the clouds and showers are keeping the southern states not so hot.  Another weak front will approach for Monday & Tuesday, but it should stall to our north.  It might increase our rain chances once again. Otherwise, it's July, it's supposed to be hot and humid and it will be!

OK, let's look at some good news.  The MJO appears to be going into the unfavorable (sinking air) phase for the next couple of weeks.  That should mean little or no tropical activity.

Now if we could only get rid of that moisture boundary lingering along the northern Gulf coast.   Enjoy your weekend , but keep the umbrella nearby!  Stay tuned!

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