Saturday, June 15, 2024

2 Weeks In, Still Waiting On Alberto

I've mentioned in previous posts that you need more than warm waters to create tropical storms & hurricanes.  We saw that this past week where a tropical boundary stalled over south Florida flooding many locations with heavy downpours exceeding 15-20"+.  Yet nothing formed a rotation.  Why?  It appears upper shearing westerlies winds hindered that.  But I still believe it's connected to the phase of the MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation).  We'll try again this week as NHC has outlined an area in the southern Gulf for possible development.

 IF something were to develop this coming week, a large surface high would steer it westward into Mexico south of Brownsville.  More important for us though, it would bring a tropical surge of moisture/rain to us giving relief to our current heat wave.

I'm up in Cincinnati where the current dew point is 45.  Compare that to the 71 at MSY.  It really is a different feel to the air.

As temps. approach the mid to upper 90s, we could pop a late storm.  Rain chances start to increase late Sunday and really ramp up on Monday which should make us less hot.

Since I'm not big on speculating on something that is not there yet, I probably won't post again until I'm back on Monday.  Hang in there Gang.  Relief is coming.  Stay Tuned!

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