Sunday, June 9, 2024

Little Fella Meets Big Cesar, CAG Is Still The Story

Early in my life (grade school) I was tagged as the "Little Fella" since I was so small.  Since I only grew 3" during high school, that moniker stuck with me to this day.  I used to call bingo games for Children Hospital years ago with Zack Strief, former right tackle of the Saints.  Zack was 6'8" and 340 lbs making me feel very much the little fella.  So I'm golfing on Friday with my partner, Marvin Bernstein who goes about 6 feet tall.  In the 4-some ahead of us was someone I recognized since he too is an Alumni of The University of Michigan. ( He played football, I didn't! ) That's the only thing we have in common as this photo clearly shows.

That's Cesar Ruiz, the right guard of the New Orleans Saints who goes about 6'5" and 315 lbs..  As you can see, he looks chiseled next to "Little Bubba".  I think if you put me & Marvin together, we might be the size of Cesar?!!!  As I told him, in high school I played "wayback" ( Q-back, halfback, fullback) so those big guys couldn't hurt me.  I'm sticking to golf & fishing!     We're still hot & dry so I'll begin with that area down off the Yucatan.

Models continue to hint for that CAG to shift northward later next week increasing heavy rain chances for south Florida.

Those colors (yellows) over south Florida indicate the potential for 10-15" could fall during the next 7 days. Perhaps by next weekend, some of that moisture will start shifting westward towards us?  NHC isn't saying anything yet, but I look for them to outline an area for possible development late next week over the eastern Gulf.  In the short term, out rain chances will increase Monday as a weak frontal boundary creeps our way.


You can see there is a 20 degree drop in dew points north of the frontal boundary.  It appears that boundary will sneak to our south for Tuesday through Thursday.

One of these days we're going to see some daytime heating storms erupt, typical of basic summertime.  For now, be careful & stay hydrated if working or playing outdoors.  Stay tuned!

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