Sunday, July 21, 2024

Big Smiles Next Sunday, Still Stuck On Wet, But Tropics Remain Dead

 As the sun rises next Sunday, many folks will have smiles on their faces, especially if you were fishing down at the International Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo.  It's been 10 years since I won a trophy (2nd place sheepshead), but I've been on the leaderboard many times until bumped off at the very end.  Will you or your child be holding a trophy for the biggest trout or redfish? Perhaps I'll award you for the biggest Sheepshead, flounder or catfish?  And we're not even talking about the offshore fish.  But will you be holding the biggest prize?  $10,000?!!!  You still have time to go online ( and register.  Doesn't matter if you don't fish.  I could award someone from Kentucky or Oklahoma that $10,000 just because they registered.  Why not it be you?

So if you can, come down and join us on Grand Isle.  But if you can't, make sure you register for an opportunity to win that $10,000 Grand Prize.  It could be your biggest catch ever!

From Pensacola eastward it was a sunny day.  Heading back westward over us, it was cloudy with widespread showers & T-Showers keeping temperatures mainly in the 70s!  Nothing will change until the upper pattern changes. The Heat Dome has shifted up into Canada with a broad upper trough covering the eastern states.  That leaves us under a SW upper flow of wet weather.

North of the stalled frontal boundary, dew points in the 50s & 60s are making it feel comfortable.  Under the Heat Dome out west, not so nice.

Under that Heat Dome, Canada is bone dry with many wild fires.  Look at the smoke plume pouring down into the lower 48!  They need rain, while we don't!

In our part of the world, the Tropics are dominated by dry air & Saharan Dust.  Computer models have nothing developing during the next 10-14 days and that gets us into August.

So in the short term, we're almost hot & wet.  Long term does indicate some drying out by next weekend, but that will make us hotter again.  The dog days are approaching Gang.  Stay tuned!

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