Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tropics Staying Quiet, Cooling Relief Coming up North, We Turn Wetter

 We are halfway through Meteorological Summer and many are looking ahead to when we might see some cooling relief from a cold front.  Typically, our first cool fronts start arriving mid to late September with "real" cold fronts holding back until early October.  The folks up north don't have to wait so long.  In fact, a significant cold front will sweep down over the Great Lakes and Northeast during the next several days breaking their current heat wave.  Temperatures in the 50s & 60s up in Canada will flow into the U.S. as a trough develops over the eastern states.  No, that trough will not be deep enough to push the front through us.

There already is an upper trough (yellow dashes) from Texas to Tennessee and, coupled with the approaching cold front, should increase our rain chances.

From Washington D.C to New York to Boston, it felt awful with highs 95-100+.  But they will see relief over the next 2-3 days.  Alas, all we can hope for is more clouds & rain to keep us less hot.

Clearly you can see the locations that are getting some cooling rains.

The seven day does show temps less hot as rain chances go up. The Gulf & Caribbean are as quiet as they get for mid July.  No computer model develops a storm during the next 10-14 days

If that forecast proves correct, that's great news for the International Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo Ju8ly 25-27th.  Even you are not a fisherman/woman, or don't like to fish, or don't eat fish, you can still be eligible to win $10,000.  All you have to do is register and for $50 you'll go into the hopper where I could pull your name Saturday night July 27th.  Just go to www.tarponrodeo.org.  Stay tuned!

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