Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tropical Hype Fizzles, Brenda's Website Sizzles

I promised a while ago, that Brenda's Art Website would be up and running by September 1st, and promise delivered.  She has spent many hours with her long time friend Patti in Cincinnati to construct what I feel is a first class site that features all of her past & current artworks. In addition, it tells you a lot about Brenda and her many skills that led to her current artwork. Here's today's painting that speaks for itself.

She calls it "Elegance" and you can see it on her brand new website.  Go to to enjoy what has become her "Art For Life".  Weather-wise, the Tropical Hype on social media kicked into high gear once NHC started highlighting areas of possible development.  Several models indicated we've have a named storm soon, but so far, NOTHING IS DEVELOPING!

There is something different about this Hurricane Season.  Everybody jumped on the bandwagon when we had those 3 early hurricanes.  But then the Tropics have gone dead.  They pulse up a little life, but then nothing is happening.  Some say too much dust, others claim a sun spot maximum while some call it an Atlantic Nina south of the Equator.  Whatever, the Hurricane cake mix is missing something and I'm not smart enough to know which one(maybe all) is causing the lack of development.  I still feel the next named storm might pop up closer to home. 

The southern Gulf is clean with all the action over the northern Gulf.  Let's talk about why nothing is developing. There appears to be a low level swirl near Houston with spokes of energy rotating around it.

One such spoke is moving over us from the west with some heavy tropical downpours.  But look at the color satellite view. The real heavy (reds/orange/yellow) storms remain disorganized offshore.

In addition, wave heights are not increasing nor are the winds.  So we will enter September with only 5 named storms.  I'd like to start talking about real cold fronts, but that won't happen for another 2 weeks at the soonest. The Heat Dome is gone and another is reforming over the Rockies. There is a distinct clearing behind the old frontal boundary (yellow dashes).


Late August through early October is a difficult time to live in the Deep South.  You can see the cooler & drier air on the weather map, but until an upper East Coast trough develops, the real cool relief stays up north.

At least it appears we have climbed out of that brutal heat stretch of the mid to upper 90s.  Granted the recent clouds & rains are the reasons it feels better, but not great. Remember, rain chances have nothing to do with time.  An 80% chance for rain does NOT mean it will rain 80% of the time.  I enjoyed a great time with Ethan at the Cool Zoo lazy river with no rain.  Just keep the umbrella handy in case a storm fires up.  Stay tuned!

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